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GSSC Seminar Series: Decoloniality and Academic Freedom – Cancel Culture or Rightward Shift at German Universities?

Poster für ein Event im Global South Studies Center der Uni Köln

GSSC Seminar Series 15 August 2023 Decoloniality and Academic Freedom – Cancel Culture or Rightward Shift at German Universities? Michael Kleinod, Freya Purzer, Julia Rongen (Global South Studies Center (GSSC), University of Cologne) 12:00-13:00 The public discussion about the restriction of freedom of speech under the banner of the so-called “Cancel Culture” is increasingly manifesting […]

GSSC Public Lecture: Taming the Residual – Animals, Workers, and Cities in India 

Poster for a Lecture by Ajay Gandhi at the University of Cologne

Taming the Residual: Animals, Workers, and Cities in India  Ajay Gandhi (Leiden University) Abstract: This Public Lecture draws from a book manuscript on Old Delhi, male workers and residents there, and the urban condition in north India. A work of anthropology, it theorizes the wider state of postcolonial modernity. To do so, the lecture develops […]

GSSC Public Lecture: Xenophobic Sentient Landscapes – Fascist Responses to Economic Colonialisms

Poster of a Public Lecture Event at the Global South Studies Center in Cologne

Xenophobic Sentient Landscapes – Fascist Responses to Economic Colonialisms Alexandra Coţofană (Zayed University, UAE) Abstract: The keynote presentation uses several years of research in Romania to address questions at the intersection of fascism and economy. In Romania, entire segments of the population understand the landscape as sentient and accept narratives in which the landscape acts […]

GSSC Seminar Series: Mastery and Misrecognition in the Anthropocene | Lessons from Euclides da Cunha’s Os Sertões on the Insurrection of the EarthGSSC Seminar Series:

Poster für ein Event im Global South Studies Center der Uni Köln

GSSC Seminar Series 6 June 2023 Work-in-Progress Seminar: Mastery and Misrecognition in the Anthropocene | Lessons from Euclides da Cunha’s Os Sertões on the Insurrection of the Earth Jonathan DeVore 12:00-13:00 This paper conceptualizes the misrecognition involved in claims about mastery over human and other nature in the Anthropocene, drawing comparative insight from one of […]

GSSC Public Lecture: Expanding the concept and practice of protected areas? A Brazilian take on convivial conservation

GSSC Public Lecture: Expanding the concept and practice of protected areas?

Henyo T. Barretto Filho (University of Brasília, Brazil) Abstract: The notion of convivial conservation emerged, among other issues, to overcome both the dichotomies constitutive of the naturalist ontology that impregnate much of conservationism and the capture of mainstream conservation by the neoliberal configuration. Given Brazil’s longstanding and complex historical experiences with indigenous lands, extractivist reserves […]

MESH Grassroots – Public Lecture: Building BRIDGES | Sustainability Science Coalition

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MESH Grassroots Public Lecture: Building BRIDGES | Sustainability Science Coalition Professor Dr Steven Hartman (University of Iceland) and Professor Joni Adamson (Arizona State University) January 19, 2023 | 17.45 [5.45 pm] GMT+1 | via zoom To register and receive the zoom link for this event, please contact Claudia Veltman (claudia.veltman[at]uni-koeln.de) In this online public lecture, Professor Steven Hartman (University […]

GSSC Seminar Series: Book launch “Bosque Nativo”

Poster for the GSSC Seminar Series by Vanina Santy

GSSC Seminar Series 31 January 2023 Book launch “Bosque Nativo”. A collaborative writing project between science, art and a social movement for the protection of the last riparian ecosystems of the La Plata River, Argentina Vanina Santy (University of Cologne) 12:00-13:00 This book, published in December 2022 and funded by the GSSC, aims to articulate […]

Book Launch: Globalization, Environmental Law, and Sustainable Development in the Global South: Challenges for Implementation

Poster Booklaunch at the GSSC

Book Launch: Globalization, Environmental Law, and Sustainable Development in the Global South: Challenges for Implementation 19.10.2022 About the Book: This volume examines the impact of globalization on international environmental law and the implementation of sustainable development in the Global South. Comprising contributions from lawyers from the Global South or who have experience in the Global […]

GSSC Focus – Panel discussion: Beyond the Great Impasse: Varied Perspectives on Aggravating Environmental Crises Despite Growing Awareness

GSSC Focus – Panel discussion: Beyond the Great Impasse: Varied Perspectives on Aggravating Environmental Crises Despite Growing Awareness

At the height of the conflict around the village of Lützerath, this GSSC Focus event tackled the dilemma that global ecological crises aggravate despite a generally growing awareness that fundamental change is required and, notably, despite the political commitment and economic means to address these existential problems. The engaged debate between a group of concerned […]

portrait image of Noah Kahindi

Noah Kahindi

Global South Studies Center (GSSC)
Classen-Kappelmann-Straße 24
50931 Cologne, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)221 47076657

E-mail: noah.kahindi@uni-koeln.de