Selected Publications

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Beckert, J. 2024. Verkaufte Zukunft. Suhrkamp. Link

Dannenberg, P., Braun, B., Greiner, C., Follmann, A., Haug, M., Semedi. P., Stetter, M., Widlok, T., Kopriva, S., 2024: Eight arguments why biodiversity is important to safeguard food security, Plants People Planet, 31 Januar 2024, DOI

Follmann, A., Dannenberg, P., Baur, N., Braun, B., Walther, G., Bernzen, A., Börner, J. Brüntrup, M., Franz, M., Götz, L., Hornidge, A-K., Hulke, C., Jamali Jaghdani, T., Krishnan, A., Kulke, E., Labucay, I., Nduru, G. M., Neise, T., Priyadarshini, P., Revilla Diez, J., Rütt, J., Scheller, C., Spengler, T., Sulle, E. 2024. Conceptualizing Sustainability and Resilience in Value Chains in Times of Multiple Crises—Notes on Agri-Food Chains. DIE ERDE. 

Fuchs, M., López, T., Wiedemann, C., Riedler, T., & Dannenberg, P. 2024. Digital Work and the Struggle for Labour Representation: The Food and Grocery Online Retail Sector in Berlin (Germany). In Geographies of the Platform Economy: Critical Perspectives (pp. 105-120). Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI

Greiner, C., Klagge, B. 2024. The temporalities and externalities of ancillary infrastructure in large-scale renewable energy projects: Insights from the rural periphery, Energy Policy, Volume 193, 2024, DOI

Kurfürst, S. 2024. Dancing and Rapping the Good Life: Sharing Aspirations and Values in Vietnamese Hip-Hop. positions (2024) 32 (1): 89–105. DOI

Kaltmeier, O., Padua, J.-A., López Sandoval, M.F. and Zarrilli, A.G. (eds.) 2024. Land Use – Handbook of the Anthropocene in Latin America I. Bielefeld University Press. Link

Lacan, L., Vehrs, H. P., & Bollig, M. (eds.) 2024. Multispecies encounters in conservation landscapes in Southern Africa. Anthropology Southern Africa, 47(2), 109–117. DOI

Semedi, P. 2024. Salah Urus di Perkebunan. Prisma 43(2), 65-76.

Semedi, P. 2024. Getting Rich in Kalimantan’s Oil Palm Zone in: Cyprianus Dale, Christoph Imhof, Rahel Jud, Madlen Kobi, Corinne Schwaller (eds.): Exchange: (Re)producing and transforming social relationships. Link

Semedi, P. 2024. Out of Agriculture: The 1850s – 2010s Java and Southern Germany Compared. Lembaran Antropologi3(1), 87-98. DOI 

Sulle, E., Mbunda, R. 2024. People, Livelihoods and Contestd Meanings of Land in Tanzania in: Goldman, M., Peluso, N. L., and Wolford, W. (eds.): The Social Lives of Land, Cornell University Press, 2024, pp. 316-335. DOI 
Tups, G., Mbunda, R., Ndunguru, M. & Dannenberg, P. 2024. Multiple Krisen und Globale Produktionsnetzwerke: Neue Sojapartnerschaften zwischen China und Tansania im Rahmen der Belt and Road Initiative. Standort 48, 2–9. DOI 

Wouters, J.J.P., Smyer Yü, D. (eds.) 2024. Himalayan Climes and Multispecies Encounters. Routledge (forthcoming), Link



Acker, A., Rozeaux, S., Pádua, J.A., Pesa, I. and Mathis, C. 2023. Table ronde: Vers une histoire transatlantique de l’anthropocène, Caravelle: Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-brésilien 1, pp. 107-126.

Amirpur, K. 2023. Iran ohne Islam. Der Aufstand gegen den Gottesstaat. C.H. Beck. ISBN: 978-3-406-80306-2.

Bergmann, S., Rigby, K., Scott, P.M. (eds.) 2023. Religion, Materialism and Ecology. Routledge, Link

Bollig, M., Krause, F. 2023. Environmental Anthropology. Uni-Taschenbücher (UTB), Stuttgart. Link

Bollig, M., Lendelvo, S., Mosimane, A. and Nghitevelekwa, R. (eds) 2023. Conservation, Markets & the Environment in Southern and Eastern Africa. James Currey. ISBN: 9781847013408

 Duile T., Großmann, K., Haug, M. and Sprenger, G. (eds) 2023. Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia: Hierarchies, Conflicts, and Coexistence. Routledge 2023. ISBN: 9781032436364

 Fuhrmann, E., Kurfürst, S. 2023. Creating liveable cities – urban green in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi in: Kraas,F.Revilla Diez, J.,  Garschagen, M., Le Thu Hoa, eds, Mega-urban Development and Transformation Processes in Vietnam. Trends, Vulnerability and Policy Options, 209-217.

Greiner, C. and Bollig, M. 2023. „Fetishising the ‘Wild’: Conservation, commodities, and capitalism“ in: M. Bollig, S. Lendelvo, A. Mosimane and R. Nghitevelekwa, edsConservation, Markets & theEnvironment in Southern and Eastern Africa. Boydell & Brewer, 31-55.

Greiner, C., Klagge, B. and Owino, E. 2023. “The political ecology of geothermal development: Green sacrifice zones or energy landscapes of value?”, Energy Research and Social Science 99, 103063.

Kraas, F., Revilla Diez, J., Garschagen, M. and Hoa, L.T. (eds.) 2023. Mega-urban Development and Transformation Processes in Vietnam. Trends, Vulnerability and Policy Options. Southeast Asian Modernities 19. LitVerlag. ISBN: 978-3-643-91434-7

Kurfürst, S. 2023. Shared streets—choreographed disorder in the late socialist city. Politics and Governance 11(2), Special Issue “Local Self-Governance and Weak Statehood: A Convincing Liaison?”

Lawhon, M., Follmann, A., Braun, B., Cornea, N., Greiner, C., Guma, P., Karpouzoglou, T., Revilla Diez, J., Schindler, S., Schramm, S., Sielker, F., Tups, G., Vij, S., Dannenberg, P. 2023. Making Heterogeneous Infrastructure Futures in and Beyond the Global South, Futures, 2023,103270, DOI

Müller, G. and Loy, B. (eds.) 2023. Post-Global Aesthetics: 21st Century Latin American Literatures and Cultures. De Gruyter.

Pointer, R., Sulle, E. and Ntauazi, C. 2023. “Smallholder views on Chinese agricultural investments in Mozambique and Tanzania in the context of VGGTs”, Sustainability 15 (2), 1220.

Revilla Diez, J., Leitold, R., Tran V., Garschagen, M. 2023. Micro-business participation in collective flood adaptation: lessons from scenario-based analysis in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 2425–2440, DOI 

Rigby, K. 2023. Meditations on Creation in an Era of Extinction. Orbis. ISBN:9781626985506

Schliephake, C., Zemanek, E. (eds.) 2023. Anticipatory Environmental (Hi)Stories from Antiquity to the Anthropocene (Environment and Society). Lexington Books. ISBN: 978-1-66692-114-4

Shattuck, A., Grajales, J., Jacobs, R., Sauer, S., Galvin, S.S. and Hall, R. 2023. “Life on the land: new lives for agrarian questions”, Journal of Peasant Studies 50 (2), pp. 1-29.

Shattuck, A., Grajales, J., Jacobs, R., Sauer, S., Galvin, S.S. and Hall, R. 2023. “Life on the land: new lives for agrarian questions”, Journal of Peasant Studies 50 (2), pp. 1-29.

Sulle, E., Maganga, F., Qamara, R., Boadu, E., Malle, H. and Minani, O. 2023. “The politics of smallholder-investor relationship in the Tanzanian sugar sector”, in: Buur, L., Macuane, J., Maganga, F. and Pedersen, R. (eds.): Land, Rights and the Politics of Investments in Africa. Elgar Publishers, pp. 124-145.

Smyer Yü, D. 2023. “Freeing animals: Sino-Tibetan Buddhist environmentalism and ecological challenges”, Religions 14 (110).

Smyer Yü, D. 2023. “Ecological civilization and reformed communism in a contested G-one world”, International Quarterly for Asian Studies 53 (3), pp. 337-356.

Smyer Yü, D. 2023. “Collapsing elephant clime since the Little Ice Age: Climatic refugees, animal Zomia and elephant modernity in Yunnan”, in: Smyer Yü, D. and Wouters, J.J.P. (eds.): Storying Multipolar Climes of the Himalaya, Andes and Arctic: Anthropocenic Climate and Shapeshifting Watery Lifeworlds. Routledge, pp. 236-252. ISBN: 9781032388359

Tups, G. and Dannenberg, P. 2023. “Supplying lead firms, intangible assets and power in global value chains: Explaining governance in the fertilizer chain”, Global Networks.

van Dam, A., van Engelen, W., Müller-Mahn, D., Agha, S., Junglen, S., Borgemeister, C. and Bollig, M. 2023. “Complexities of multispecies coexistence: Animal diseases and diverging modes of ordering at the wildlife-livestock interface in Southern Africa”, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 0(0).

Willem, B. 2023. Accepted. “Lenguaje háptico y paisajes afectivos en el sistema del tacto de Alejandra Costamagna”, Confluencia 38 (29), pp. 26-40. [see manuscript and editor’s confirmation]. Link


Akese, G., Beisel, U., and Chasant, M. 2022. “Agbogbloshie: a year after the violent demolition”. Link

Amirpur, K., El Omari, D., and Haqiqat M. 2022. Genderperspektiven auf Afghanistan. Ergon.

Bartosch, R. 2022. “Dying to learn: teaching human-animal studies in an age of extinction”, in: Hübner, A., Edlich, M.G.P., and Moss, M. (eds.): Multispecies Futures. New Approaches to Teaching Human Animal Studies. Neofelis, pp. 77-94.

Bartosch, R. and Fuchs, 2022. “‘Under the weather’? An empirical exploration of climate anxiety and mental health in future teachers of English”, TDAJ 2.2, pp. 76-82.

Bartosch, R. and Ludwig C. (eds.) 2022. Ecological Perspectives on English Language Teaching. Special issue of Anglistik – International Journal of English Studies 33 (3). e-ISSN: 2625-2147

Beckert, J. 2022. “Durable wealth: institutions, mechanisms, and practices of wealth perpetuation”, Annual Review of Sociology 4, pp. 233-55.

Beisel, U. 2022. “BioNTainer: a manufacturing solution for Africa or circumventing capacity?”. Link

Beisel, U. and Wergin, C. 2022. “Understanding multispecies mobilities: From mosquito eradication to coexistence”, in: Hall, M. and Tamïr, D. (eds): Mosquitopia: The Place of Pests in a Healthy World. Routledge, pp. 32-46.

Bollig, M. 2022. “21st Century conservation in Africa: Contemporary dilemmas, future challenges”, in: Greiner, C., van Wolputte, S., and Bollig, M. (eds): Future Africa. ECAS9. (Accompanying Volume). Brill, pp. 111-124.

Costa, S. 2022. “Unequal and divided: the middle classes in contemporary Brazil”, in: Grimson, A., Guizardi, M. and Merenson, S. (eds.): Middle Class Identities and Social Crisis. Routledge, pp. 25-47. ISBN: 9781032331881

Costa, S. 2022. “Politicizing differences, fighting inequalities: Quilombolas in Brasil”, in: Eichler, J. and Topidi, K. (eds.): Minority Recognition and the Diversity Deficit. Comparative Perspectives. Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 35-52. ISBN: 9781509953097

Fuchs, M., Dannenberg, P. and Wiedemann, C. 2022. “Big tech and labour resistance at Amazon”, Science as Culture, 31 (1), pp. 29-43.

Greiner, C., van Wolputte, S. and Bollig, M. (eds.) 2022. African Futures. Brill.

Greiner, C., Klagge, B., Grawert, E., and Mkutu, K. 2022. “Future-making and scalar politics in a resource frontier: Energy projects in northern Kenya”, Working Paper No. 63, Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape. Link

Hall, R. 2022: Conference: “Climate Change and Agrarian Justice Conference”, hosted by PLAAS, Journal of Peasant Studies, Transnational Institute and Collective of Agrarian Scholar-Activists of the Global South (convening committee and primary host)

Hall, R. 2022: “Land Conference: The Failed Promise of Tenure Security”, hosted by University of the Western Cape, University of Cape Town, University of the Witwatersrand, and Legal Resources Centre, hybrid conference in Cape Town / Johannesburg / Durban / East London (convening committee and primary host)

Heinkel, S.-B., Thiebes, B., Than, Z.M., Aung, T., Kyi, T.T., Mar, W.L., Oo, S.S., Miller, C., Willkomm, M., Myint, M.Z.M. Soe, K.K., Spohner, R. and Kraas, F. 2022. “Disaster preparedness and resilience at household level in Yangon, Myanmar”, Natural Hazards 112 (2), pp. 1273-1294.

Hulke, C., Kalvelage, L., Kairu, J., Revilla Diez, J. and Rutina, L. 2022: “Navigating through the storm: Conservancies as local institutions for regional resilience in Zambezi, Namibia”, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 15 (2), pp. 305-322

Hulke, C. and Revilla Diez, J. 2022. “Understanding regional value chain evolution in peripheral areas through governance interactions: An institutional layering approach”, Applied Geography 139, 102640.

Jacob, D., Birkmann, J., Bollig, M., Bonn, A., Nöthlings, U., Ott, K., Quaas, M., Reichstein, M., Scholz, I., Malburg-Graf, B., Sonntag, S. 2022. “Research priorities for sustainability science”, German Committee Future Earth. Link

Kiesel, C., Dannenberg, P., Hulke, C., Kairu, J., Revilla Diez, J. and Sandhage-Hofmann, A. 2022. “An argument for place-based policies: The importance of local agro-economic, political and environmental conditions for agricultural policies exemplified by the Zambezi region, Namibia”, Environmental Science & Policy 129, pp. 137-149.

Kurfürst, S. 2022. „Women are stronger than men“. Breaking Norms through Hip Hop in Vietnam. Music and Arts in Action 8(1), 69-84.

Li, T.M. and Semedi, P. 2022. Hidup Bersama Raksasa. Manusia dan Pendudukan Perkebunan Sawit. Marjin Kiri.

Mkama, W., Sulle, E. and Pointer, R. 2022. “The contours of contract farming in Tanzania”, in: Jha, P., Yeros, P., Chambati, W. and Mazwi, F. (eds.). Farming and Working under Contract: Peasants and Workers in Global Agricultural Values Systems. Tulika Publishers, pp. 279-392. ISBN: 9788194717508

Müller, G. 2022. How Is World Literature Made? The Global Circulations of Latin American Literatures. De Gruyter.

Müller, G. 2022. “Littérature mondiale et glocalisation. Entre circulation mondiale et dynamiques de réception locales, l’exemple de Gabriel García Márquez“, in: Haensler, P.P., Heine, S. and Zanetti, S. (eds.): Literarische Glokalisierung – Glocalisation littéraire – Literary Glocalization (Colloquium Helveticum 51). Aisthesis, pp. 33-47. ISBN: 978-3-8498-1837-1

Neise, T., Sohns, F., Breul, M. and Revilla Diez, J. 2022. “The effect of natural disasters on FDI attraction: A sector-based analysis over time and space”, Natural Hazards 110 (2), pp. 999-1023.

Pádua, J.A. 2022. An environmental history of Brazil in the nineteenth century, in: Webre, S. (ed.): Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History. Oxford University Press, pp. 1-22.

Pádua, J.A. 2022. “Localizando a história do antropoceno: O caso do Brasil”, in: Danowski, D., Viveiros de Castro, E., Saldanha, R. (eds): Os Mil Nomes de Gaia: do Antropoceno à Idade da Terra Editora Machado, pp. 187-217.

Paul, R., Chick, J., Sulle, E. and Nelson, F. 2022. “Greening the grassroots: Rethinking African conservation funding”, Research report. Maliasili and Syncronicity Earth.

Revilla Diez, J. 2002. “Metropolitan innovation systems: A comparison between Barcelona, Stockholm, and Vienna”, International Regional Science Review 25 (1), pp. 63-85.

Rigby, K. 2022. “In praise of weeds: Sympoiesis at St. James’s Piccadilly”, Arcadia, No. 1.

Rigby, K. 2022. “On the ecopoetics of temporal discernment”, Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology 26, pp. 249-259.

Scoones, I., Edelman, M., Borras, S.M., Forero, L.F., Hall, R., Wolford, W. and White, B. (eds.) 2022. Authoritarian Populism and the Rural World. Routledge.

Schnegg, M. and Breyer, T. 2022. “Empathy beyond the human. The social construction of a multispecies world”, Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology.

Semedi, P. 2022. “Rubber, oil palm and accumulation in West Kalimantan, 1910s-2010s”, Paramita 32 (1), pp. 33-44.

Smyer Yü, D. 2022. “The Middle Highlands of modern China as a historical inter-Asian Zomia: Human-nature diversity in the Hengduan Mountains”, in: Wouters, J.J.P. and Heneise, M. (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Highland Asia. Routledge, pp. 43-55. ISBN: 9780429345746

Snyder, K. and Sulle, E. 2022. “The impact and outcomes of sustainable intensification initiatives in six countries on women, men, and other social groups”, IITA.

Vogel, A., Seeger, K., Brill, D., Brückner, H., Soe, K.K., Oo, N.W., Aung, N., Myint, Z.N. and Kraas, F. 2022. “Identifying land-use related potential disaster risk drivers in the Ayeyarwady Delta (Myanmar) during the last 50 years (1974-2021) using a hybrid ensemble learning model”, Remote Sensing 14 (15), 3568.

Widlok, T. and Nakanyete, F. 2022. “Framing the future of national parks”, in: by Greiner, C., van Wolputte, S. and Bollig, M.: African Futures. Brill, pp. 141-154.

Zhang, M. and Dannenberg, P. 2022. “Opportunities and challenges of indigenous food plant farmers in integrating into agri-food value chains in Cape Town”, Land 11, 2267.

Zemanek, E. 2022. “Between fragility and resilience: Ambivalent images of nature in popular documentaries with David Attenborough”, Anthropocene Review 9 (2), pp. 139-160.

Zemanek, E. 2022. “Sensational news about nature. Risk and resilience in satirical ozone poetry in the Victorian Era”, ANGLIA. Journal of English Philology 140 (3-4), pp. 421-439.

Zemanek, E. 2022. “Berge versetzen. Dokufilmische Topografien des Anthropozäns am Beispiel von ‘Erde‘ (Österreich, 2019) und ‘Anthropocene’ – The Human Epoch‘ (Kanada, 2019)”, in: Nesselhauf, J. and Stobbe, U. (eds.): Mensch und Mitwelt. Herausforderungen für die Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften. Wehrhahn, pp. 171-204. ISBN: 978-3-86525-965-3


Amirpur, K. 2021. Khomeini. Der Revolutionär des Islam. Eine Biographie. C. H. Beck.

Amirpur, K. 2021. “Geschlechterdebatten”, in: von Kügelgen, A. (ed.): Philosophie in der islamischen Welt, vol. 4/2, Schwabe, pp. 1135-1169. ISBN: 978-3-7965-2839-2.

Amirpur, K. 2021. “Politisches Denken von der Konstitutionellen Revolution bis zur Gegenwart”, in: von Kügelgen, A. (ed.): Philosophie in der islamischen Welt, vol. 4/2, Schwabe. pp. 1110-1134. ISBN: 978-3-7965-2839-2.

Bartosch, R. (ed.) 2021. Cultivating Sustainability in Language and Literature Pedagogy: Steps to an Educational Ecology. Routledge. ISBN 9780367751807

Bartosch, R. 2021. “What if we stopped pretending? Radical interdisciplinarity, applied literary studies, and the limits of ‘education for sustainable development’”, Anglistik – International Journal of English Studies 32 (3), pp. 157-171.

Bartosch, R. 2021. “Tiere erzählen: Fachdidaktische Perspektiven auf Nachhaltigkeit”, in: Mattfeldt, A., Schwegler, C. and Wanning, B. (eds): Natur, Umwelt, Nachhaltigkeit. Perspektiven auf Sprache, Diskurse und Kultur (Sprache und Wissen). de Gruyter, pp. 101-122.

Bartosch, R. 2021. “The transhumanist creep: posthumanism, pedagogy, and the praxeological mangle”, Open Library of Humanities 7 (2).

Bartosch, R. (ed.) 2021. Towards Transformative Literature Pedagogy. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. ISBN: 978-3-86821-913-5

Bartosch, R. 2021. “Forms of agency, agency of forms: reading and teaching more-than-human fictions”, in: Liebermann, Y., Rahn, J., and Burger, B. (eds.): Nonhuman Agencies in the Twenty-First-Century Anglophone Novel. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 27-43.

Beckert, J. 2021. “The firm as an engine of imagination: organizational prospection and the making of economic futures”, Organization Theory 2 (2).

Beckert, J. and Suckert. L. 2021. “The future as a social fact: the analysis of perceptions of the future in sociology”, Poetics 84, article no. 101499.

Bollig, M. 2021. “Materiality, inequality, and future-making as focal points of future engagement of economic anthropology with climate change”, Economic Anthropology 8, pp. 180-182.

Bollig, M. and Vehrs, H.-P. 2021. “The making of a conservation landscape: the emergence of a conservationist environmental infrastructure along the Kwando River in Namibia’s Zambezi Region”, Africa 91 (2), pp. 1-26.

Breyer, T. 2021. “Phantom sensations: A neurophenomenological exploration of body memory”, Neuroethics 14, pp. 73-81.

Costa, S. 2021. “From friction to fruition: Social theory meets postcolonial studies“, in: Delanty, G. and Turner, S.P. (eds.): Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory, pp. 337-347. ISBN: 9780367629090

Ehlers, E., and Amirpur, K. (eds.) 2021. Middle East and North Africa: Climate, Culture, and Conflicts. Brill. ISBN: 978-90-04-44497-3.

Follmann, A., Willkomm, M. and Dannenberg, P. 2021. “As the city grows, what do farmers do? A systematic review of urban and peri-urban agriculture under rapid urban growth across the Global South”, Landscape and Urban Planning 215, 104186.

Follmann, A., Willkomm, M., Nduru, G., Owuor, G. and Dannenberg, P. 2021. “Continuity under change: Towards a spatiotemporal understanding of market-oriented urban and peri-urban agriculture – Insights from Kenya”, Applied Geography 135, 102528.

Greiner, C., Vehrs, H. and Bollig, M. 2021. “Land-use and land-cover changes in pastoral drylands: long-term dynamics, economic change, and shifting socioecological frontiers in Baringo, Kenya”, Human Ecology 49, pp. 565-577.

Greiner, C., Greven, D. and Klagge, B. 2021. “Roads to change: Livelihoods, land disputes, and anticipation of future developments in rural Kenya”, The European Journal of Development Research 33, pp. 1044-1068.

Greiner, C. and Klagge, B. 2021. “Elektrifizierung und Großprojekte der Stromerzeugung in Kenia”, in: Becker, S., Klagge, B. and Naumann, M. (eds.): Energiegeographie: Aktuelle Konzepte und Herausforderungen. Ulmer, pp. 287-300. ISBN: 9783825253202

Guerrero, G., Loy, B. and Müller, G. (eds.). 2021. World Editors. Dynamics of Global Publishing and the Latin American Case between the Archive and the Digital Age. De Gruyter.

Hall, R. 2021: “Conference on Land Policy in Africa”, hosted by African Union, UN Economic Commission for Africa and African Development Bank. Biennial Conference, Kigali, Rwanda (Scientific Committee)

Hall, R. 2021: Film: Desperate Times: COVID, inequality and resilience in South Africa’s food system. Link

Hartmann, G., Nduru, G. and Dannenberg, P. 2021. “Digital connectivity at the upstream end of value chains: A dynamic perspective on smartphone adoption amongst horticultural smallholders in Kenya”, Competition & Change 25 (2), pp. 167-189.

Haug, M. 2021. “Framing the future through the lens of hope: environmental change, diverse hopes and the challenge of engagement”, Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology 145 (1), pp. 71-92.

Jones, O. and Rigby, K. 2021: “Roadkill: Multispecies mobilities and everyday ecocide”, in Van Dooren, T. and Chrulew, M. (eds): Kin: Thinking with Deborah Bird Rose. Duke University Press, pp. 112-134.

Kurfürst, S. 2021. “Ethical eating and class positioning in late socialist Hanoi”, in: Vu, T.D., Pye, O., Ölschleger, H.D. and Distelrath, G. (eds.), Humanistische Anthropologie. Ethnologische Begegnungen in einer globalisierten Welt. EB-Verlag, pp. 343-362. ISBN: 978-3-86893-373-4

Kurfürst, S. 2021. Dancing Youth. Hip Hop and Gender in Late Socialist Hanoi. Transcript.

Kurfürst, S. 2021. “Ethical eating and class positioning in late socialist Hanoi”, in: Vu, T.D., Pye, O., Ölschleger, H.D. and Distelrath, G. (eds.), Humanistische Anthropologie. Ethnologische Begegnungen in einer globalisierten Welt. EB-Verlag, pp. 343-362. ISBN: 978-3-86893-373-4

Kurfürst, S. 2021. Dancing Youth. Hip Hop and Gender in Late Socialist Hanoi. Transcript.

Leal, C. 2021. “Wild and trapped: A history of Colombian Zoos and its revelations of animal fortunes and state entanglements, 1930s-1990s”, História, Ciência, Saúde – Maguinhos 28 (1), pp. 81-101.

Li, T.M. and Semedi, P. 2021. Plantation Life. Corporate Occupation in Indonesia’s Oil Palm Zones. Duke University Press. ISBN: 978-1-4780-1495-9

Rigby, K. 2021. “Fire, flood and decolonisation: Climate change in Australia”, Green Christian Magazine 92, pp. 14-15.

Semedi, P. and Schneider, K. 2021. “Fishers’ responses to the Danish Seiner Ban and the history of fisheries governance on the Java north coast”, Maritime Studies 20, pp. 43-62.

Semedi, P. 2021. “A power approach and the coronavirus pandemic in Yogyakarta”, Jurnal Humaniora 33 (1).

Smyer Yü, D. 2021. “Situating environmental humanities in the New Himalayas: An introduction”, in: Smyer Yü, D. and de Maaker, E. (eds.): Environmental Humanities in the New Himalayas: Symbiotic Indigeneity, Commoning, Sustainability. Routledge, pp. 1-24. ISBN 9781003144113

Smalley, R., Sulle, E., Chome, N., Duarte, A. and Gonçalves, E. 2021. “Agricultural investment corridors in Africa: Challenges and opportunities for strengthening smallholder and women’s participation”, APRA Working Paper 62, Future Agricultures Consortium.

Sulle, E. 2021. “Outgrowing and the politics of inclusive business models: The case of Tanzania’s Kilombero Sugar Company”, Asian Journal of African Studies 50, pp. 39-75.

Sulle, E. and Mudege, N. 2021. “Integrating gender into Kenya’s evolving seed policies and regulations for roots and tubers”, CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas. Lima, Peru: International Potato Center. No. 2021-3.

Tups, G. and Dannenberg, P. 2021. “Emptying the future, claiming space: the southern agricultural growth corridor of Tanzania as a spatial imaginary for strategic coupling processes”, Geoforum 123, pp. 23-35.

Widlok, T., Knab, J. and Van der Wulp, Ch. 2021. “#African time making the future legible”, African Studies 80 (3-4), pp. 397-415.

Widlok, T. 2021. “Original power pointing: towards a political ethnography of the deictic field”, Ethnos.

Widlok, T. 2021. “Economic thought, ritual and religion”, in: Stewart, P. and Strathern, A. (eds.): Palgrave Handbook of Anthropological Ritual Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 77-94. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-76825-6_4

Willem, B. 2021. “Miradas aéreas en la literatura de Santiago de Chile. Desde Le Corbusier al frequent flyer contemporáneo”, Iberoromania 94, pp. 235-251.

Willem, B. 2021. ”Distanzierung und Annäherung in der postdiktatorischen Erinnerung. Cartas visuales von Tiziana Panizza”, in: Burnautzki, S. and Kuschel, D. (eds.): Paralleldimensionen des Erinnerns in Lateinamerika. Diktaturerfahrung und literarische Aufarbeitung. Peter Lang, pp. 39-61.

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Kurfürst, S. 2017. “From cheap commodity to prestige item – Hanoians longing for clean and safe vegetables”, ZANTHRO Working Paper No. 2, Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, University of Zürich.

Kurfürst, S. 2017. “From cheap commodity to prestige item – Hanoians longing for clean and safe vegetables”, ZANTHRO Working Paper No. 2, Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, University of Zürich.

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Pádua, J.A. 2017. “Brazil in the history of the Anthropocene”, in: Lenna, P. and Issberner, L. (eds.): Brazil in the Anthropocene. Conflicts Between Predatory Development and Environmental Policies. Routledge, pp. 19-40. ISBN: 9781138315907

Phalkey, R.K., Butsch, C., Belesova, K., Kroll, M. and Kraas, F. 2017. “From habits of attrition to modes of inclusion: Enhancing the role of private practitioners in routine disease surveillance”, BMC Health Services Research 17, 599.

Rigby, K. 2017. “Deep sustainability”, in: Squire, L., Parham , J. and Johns-Putra, A. (eds.): Literature and Sustainability: Concept, Text and Culture. Manchester UP, pp. 52-75. ISBN: 9781526107633

Smyer Yü, D. 2017. “An indigenous cosmovisionary turn in the study of eco-religious lifeworlds in Asia”, in: Jenkins, W., Tucker, M.E. and Grim, J. (eds.): Routledge Handbook of Religion and Ecology. Routledge, pp. 120-128. ISBN: 9781315764788

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Widlok, T. 2017. “Wir Staatsmenschen. Das Feld, die Stadt und der Staat in der Kulturanthropologie Afrikas“, Kölner Ethnologische Beiträge 46.

Widlok, T. 2017. “No easy talk about the weather: Eliciting ‘cultural models of nature’ among hai//om”, World Cultures eJournal 22 (2).

Willem, B. 2017. “Grote emoties door een kleurenfilter: La casa van Paco Roca”, Filter. Tijdschrift over vertalen 24 (4), pp. 21-28.

Zemanek, E. 2017. “Mocking the Anthropocene: Caricatures of man-made landscapes in German satirical magazines from the fin de siècle”, in: Wilke, S. (ed.): Readings in the Anthropocene: The Environmental Humanities, German Studies, and Beyond. Bloomsbury, pp. 124-147. ISBN: 9781501307775

Zemanek, E. 2017. “(Bad) air and (faulty) inspiration: Elemental and environmental influences on Fontane”, in: Schaumann, C. and Sullivan, H. (eds.): German Ecocriticism in the Anthropocene. Palgrave Macmillian, pp. 129-145. doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-54222-9_8

Zemanek, E. 2017. “Elemental poetics. Material agency in contemporary German poetry”, in: Dürbeck, G., Stobbe, U., Zapf, H and Zemanek, E. (eds.): Ecological Thought in German Literature and Culture, Lexington Books, pp. 281-296. ISBN: 978-1-4985-1494-1

Zemanek, E. 2017. “‘Climate change is real.‘ – ‘Kriegen wir die Kurve?’ – ‘Je n’y crois pas‘. Wissenspopularisierung und Appell im deutschen, englischen und französischen Sachcomic zum Klimawandel”, in: Solte-Gresser, C. and Schmitt, C. (eds.): Literatur und Ökologie. Neue literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Aisthesis, pp. 547-562. ISBN: 978-3-8498-1102-0


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Butsch, C., Kraas, F., Namperumal, S. and Peters, G. 2016. “Risk governance in the megacity Mumbai/India: A complex adaptive system perspective”, Habitat International 54 (2), pp. 100-111.

Dufays, S. and Willem, B. 2016. “Intimidad y política en la literatura y el cine latinoamericanos contemporáneos”, Letras Hispanas 12, pp. 112-121. ISSN: 1548-5633

Gonçalves, G.L. and Costa, S. 2016. “The global constitutionalization of human rights: Overcoming contemporary injustices or juridifying old asymmetries”, Current Sociology 64, pp. 311-331,

Greiner, C. and Sakdapolrak, P. 2016. “Migration, environment and inequality: perspectives of a political ecology of translocal relations”, in: Schade, J., Faist, T. and McLeman, R. (eds): Environmental Migration and Social Inequality. Springer, pp. 151-163.

Greiner, C. 2016. “Land-use change, territorial restructuring and the economies of anticipation in a Kenyan dryland”, Journal of Eastern African Studies 10 (3), pp. 530-547.

Greiner, C. and Pröpper, M. 2016. “Hands, skills, materiality. Towards an Anthropology of crafts”, in: Wonneberger, A., Gandelsman-Trier, M. and Dorsch, H. (eds): Migration, networks, skills. Anthropological perspectives on mobility and transformation. Transcipt, pp. 209-230. ISBN: 978-3-8376-3364-1

Grewe-Volpp, C. and Zemanek, E. (eds.) 2016. “Mensch-Maschine-Materie-Tier. Entwürfe posthumaner Interaktionen”, Philologie im Netz, Beiheft 10.

Hall, R. and Scoones, I. 2016. “Strengthening Land Governance: Lessons from Implementing the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security”, Overseas Development Institute

Kraas, F., Kyi, M.M. and Maung, W. (eds.) 2016. Sustainability in Myanmar. Southeast Asian Modernities 15. LitVerlag. ISBN 978-3643905369

Kraas, F., Leggewie, C., Lemke, P., Matthies, E., Messner, D., Nakicenovic, N., Schellnhuber, H.-J., Schlacke, S. Schneidewind, U. 2016. Humanity on the move: Unlocking the transformative power of cities. WBGU – German Advisory Council on Global Change. ISBN: 978-3-936191-45-5

Kroll, M., Phalkey, R.K., Dutta, S., Shukla, S., Butsch, C., Bharucha E. and Kraas, F. 2016. “Involving private healthcare practitioners in an urban NCD sentinel surveillance system: Lessons learned from Pune, India”, Global Health Action 9 (1), 32635.

Kurfürst, S. 2016. “6,700 people for 6,700 trees: The evolvement of an urban community of practice”, in: Rachmawati, R., Pomeroy, G. and Mookherjee, D. (eds.): Rapid Urbanisation and Sustainable Development in Asia. Badan Penerbit Fakultas Geografi. Universitas Gadjah Mada, pp. 519-523

Kurfürst, S. 2016. “Kräftemessen am Unteren Mekong: Laotische Staudammprojekte zwischen nationalstaatlichen Interessen, regionaler Kooperation und Zivilgesellschaft”, Geographische Rundschau 2016 (2), pp. 18-23

Kurfürst, S. 2016. “6,700 people for 6,700 trees: The evolvement of an urban community of practice”, in: Rachmawati, R., Pomeroy, G. and Mookherjee, D. (eds.): Rapid Urbanisation and Sustainable Development in Asia. Badan Penerbit Fakultas Geografi. Universitas Gadjah Mada, pp. 519-523

Kurfürst, S. 2016. “Kräftemessen am Unteren Mekong: Laotische Staudammprojekte zwischen nationalstaatlichen Interessen, regionaler Kooperation und Zivilgesellschaft”, Geographische Rundschau 2016 (2), pp. 18-23

Logie, I. and Willem, B. 2016. “Narrativas de la postmemoria en Argentina y Chile: La casa revisitada”, Alter/nativas, 5, pp. 1-25.

Pargen, L. and Dannenberg, P. 2016. “Contributions of commercial small-scale farming to food accessibility – examples from Kenya”, Voices from around the world 2 (1), pp. 38-43.

Rigby, K. 2016. “Religion and ecology: Towards a communion of creatures”, in: Iovino, S. and Oppermann, S. (eds.): Environmental Humanities: Voices from the Anthropocene. Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 273-294.

Semedi, P. 2016. “Pramuka: scouting days of fun”, in: Robinson, K. (ed.): Youth Identities and Social Transformations in Modern Indonesia. Brill, pp. 113-129.

Willem, B. 2016. El Espacio Narrativo en la Novela Chilena Postdictatorial. Casa Habitadas. Brill. ISBN: 978-90-04-31060-5

Willem, B. 2016. “El lenguaje silencioso de Alejandra Costamagna: En voz baja y “Había una vez un pájaro”, Letras Hispanas 12, pp. 210-220. ISSN: 1548-5633

Willem, B. 2016. “De buitenwijk als ruimtelijk bindmiddel tussen politiek en literatuur: Las afueras in drie Chileense romans van na de dictatuur”, Cahier voor Literatuurwetenschap 8, pp. 73-82.

Willkomm, M. and Dannenberg, P. 2016. “Monitoring land use dynamics of peri-urban agriculture in central Kenya with rapid eye satellite imagery”, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 8, pp. 1079-1081.


Beisel, U. 2015. “Markets and mutations: mosquito nets and the politics of disentanglement in global health”. Geoforum, 66, pp. 146-155.

Beisel, U. 2015. “The blue warriors: ecology, participation & public health in malaria control experiments in Ghana”, in: Geissler, W. (ed): Para-States and Medical Science: Making Global Health in Africa. Duke University Press, pp. 281-302.

Beisel, U. 2015. “Body bags: the politics of ‘sealing off’ in the Anthropocene”. August 28, Society & Space. Link

Hall, R., Edelman, M., Borras Jr, S. M. et al. 2015. “Resistance, acquiescence or incorporation? An introduction to land grabbing and political reactions ‘from below’”, Journal of Peasant Studies, 42(3-4), pp. 467-488.

Kroll, M., Phalkey, R. and Kraas, F. 2015. “Challenges to the surveillance of non-communicable diseases: A review of selected approaches”, BMC Public Health 15, 1243.

Leal, C. 2015. “Conservation memories: Vicissitudes of a biodiversity conservation project in the rainforests of Colombia, 1992-1998”, Environmental History 20 (3), pp. 368-395.

Pádua, J.A. 2015. A mata atlântica e a floresta amazônica na construção do território brasileiro: Estabelecendo um marco de análise, Revista de História Regional 20, p. 232-251. doi: 10.5212/Rev.Hist.Reg.v.20i2.0002

Pádua, J.A. 2015. “Tropical forests in Brazilian political culture: From economic hindrance to endangered treasure”, in: Vidal, F. and Dias, N. (eds.): Endangerment, Biodiversity and Culture. Routledge, pp. 148-171. ISBN: 9781138743564

Phalkey, R.K., Kroll, M., Dutta, S., Shukla, S., Butsch, C., Bharucha, E. and Kraas, F. 2015. “Knowledge, attitude, and practices with respect to disease surveillance among urban private practitioners in Pune, India”, Global Health Action 2015, 8, 28413.

Rigby, K. 2015. Dancing with Disaster: Environmental Histories, Narratives, and Ethics for Perilous Times. University of Virginia Press. ISBN: 9780813936888

Smyer Yü, D. 2015. Mindscaping the Landscape of Tibet: Place, Memorability, Ecoaesthetics. De Gruyter Press.

University of Cologne Forum “Ethnicity as a Political Resource” (ed.). 2015. Ethnicity as a Political Resource. Conceptualizations across Disciplines, Regions, and Periods. Transcript.

Willem, B. 2015. “A suburban revision of nostalgia : The case of ways of going home by Alejandro Zambra”, in: Ameel, L., Finch, J. and Salmela, M. (eds.): Literature and the peripheral city. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 184-197. doi:10.1057/9781137492883_11


Beisel, U. 2014. “On gloves, rubber and the spatio-temporal logics of global health”, Somatosphere, Oct 6. Link

Beisel, U., and Dilger, H. 2014. “Die Ebolakrise aus Sicht der Medizinethnologie: von Misstrauen zu lokal angepasster Patientenversorgung”. Dezember 10. Link

Castree, N., Adams, W. A., Barry, J., Brockington, D., Büscher, B., Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, R., Felt, U., Neves, K., Newell, P., Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robin, L., Rose, D. B., Ross, A., Schlosberg, D., Sörlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. 2014. “Changing the intellectual climate”, Nature Climate Change 4, pp. 763-768.

Costa, S. 2014. “Social sciences and north-south asymmetries: towards a global sociology“, in: Broeck, S. and Juncker, C. (eds.): Postcoloniality – Decoloniality – Black Critique. Joints and Fissures. Campus, pp. 231-243. ISBN: 9783593501925

Ginn, F., Beisel, U. and Barua, M. 2014. “Flourishing with awkward creatures: Togetherness, vulnerability, killing”, Environmental Humanities 4, pp. 113-123.

Greiner, C., Peth, S. A. and Sakdapolrak, P. 2014. “Deciphering migration in the age of climate change. Towards an understanding of translocal relations in social-ecological systems”, artec paper, Universität Bremen.

Haug, M. 2014. “Resistance, ritual purification and mediation: Tracing a Dayak community’s sixteen-year search for justice in East Kalimantan”, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 15 (4), pp. 357-375.

Smyer Yü, D. 2014. “Sentience of the earth: Eco-Buddhist mandalizing of dwelling place in Amdo”, The Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature & Culture 8 (4), pp. 483-501. doi:10.1558/jsrnc.v8i4.19481

Smyer Yü, D., Miller, J. and van der Veer, P. 2014. “Introduction: Diversity of eco-religious practices in China”, in: Miller, J., Smyer Yü, D. and van der Veer, P. (eds.): Religious Diversity and Ecological Sustainability in China. Routledge. ISBN: 9780203739549

Smyer Yü, D. 2014. Producer/Co-Director, Embrace (50 min. documentary film on Tibetan folk Buddhism and ecology), 2011. Screened and nominated for awards at: Beijing International Film Festival, 2011, International Mountain Film Festival, 2012, and Film Expo, 2013 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, San Diego; The 8th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Macao, June 24-27, 2013; Jean Rouch International Film Festival, Paris, November 26-29; The Lens on Tibet Film Screening, Museum of Modern Art, New York, August 21-29, 2014.

Smyer Yü, D. Director, Rainbow Rider (60 min. documentary on Tibetan Buddhism-science dialogue), 2013. Screened at Visual Research Seminar, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, December 4, 2013; Anthropology of the Visual and Contemporary Chinese Cultural Critique Forum, Beijing, June 21-22, 2014; and the 7th Forum on Visual Anthropology in China, August 10-12, Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China

Willem, B. 2014. “Narrar la frágil armadura del presente: La paradójica cotidianidad en las novelas de Alejandro Zambra y Diego Zúñiga”, Interférences littéraires – Literaire Interferenties 13, pp. 53-67.

Willem, B. 2014. “Dos cánones personales: la tradición literaria chilena en No Leer de Alejandro Zambra y Cien libros chilenos de Álvaro Bisama”, in: De Maeseneer, R. and Logie, I. (eds.): El canon en la prosa contemporánea del Caribe hispano y del Cono Sur. Droz, pp. 289-302.


Beckert, J. 2013. “Capitalism as a system of expectations: toward a sociological microfoundation of political economy”, Politics & Society 41 (3), pp. 323-350.

Beckert, J. and Rössel, J. 2013. “The price of art”, European Societies 15 (2), pp. 178-195.

Beckert, J. and Wehinger, F. 2013. “In the shadow: illegal markets and economic sociology”, Socio-Economic Review 11 (1), pp. 5-30.

Beisel, U., Tousignant, N. and Kelly, A. 2013. “Insect knowledges: insects as vectors, hosts and companions of science”. Science as Culture 22 (1), pp. 1-15.

Brünjes, J. and Revilla Diez, J. 2013. “‘Recession push’ and ‘prosperity pull’ entrepreneurship in a rural developing context”, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 25 (3-4), pp. 251-271.

Costa, S. 2013. “Das Brasilien Sérgio Buarque de Holandas“, in: Holanda, S.B.: Die Wurzeln Brasiliens. Suhrkamp, pp. 235-270. ISBN: 978-3-518-12670-7

Dannenberg, P., Göttert, T., Nduru, G., and Zeller, U. 2013. “innovative approaches for balancing land use and nature conservation on a trans-national scale”, in: Dannenberg, P., Göttert, T., Nduru, G. and Zeller, U. (eds.): Land Use and Nature Conservation – Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop of the Quality Network Biodiversity in Sub-Sahara Africa. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, pp. 3-7.

Fu, W., Revilla Diez, J. and Schiller, D. 2013. “Interactive learning, informal networks and innovation: Evidence from electronics firm survey in the Pearl River Delta, China”, Research Policy 42 (3), pp. 635-646.

Greiner, C. and Sakdapolrak, P. 2013. “Translocality: Concepts, applications and emerging research perspectives”, Geography Compass 7 (5), pp. 373-384.

Greiner, C. and Sakdapolrak, P. 2013. “Rural-urban migration, agrarian change, and the environment in Kenya: A critical review of the literature”, Population and Environment 34 (4), pp. 524-553.


Dannenberg, P. 2012. Wirkung und Umsetzung von Standards in internationalen Wertschöpfungsketten (Reihe Wirtschaftsgeographie 53). Lit Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-643-11736-6

Greiner, C. 2012. “Unexpected consequences: Wildlife conservation and territorial conflict in Northern Kenya”, Human Ecology 40 (3), pp. 415-425.

Müller, G. 2012. Die koloniale Karibik. Transferprozesse in frankophonen und hispanophonen Literaturen. De Gruyter (Reihe mimesis).

Pádua, J.A. 2012. Pitfalls and opportunities in the use of the biodiversity concept as a political tool for forest conservation in Brazil, RCC Perspectives 2012/9, pp. 25-29.

Pádua, J.A. 2012. “Environmentalism in Brazil: A historical perspective”, in: McNeill, J. and Maldin, E. (eds): A Companion to Global Environmental History. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 455-473. ISBN: 978-1-444-33534-7

Smyer Yü, D. Director, Ensouling the Mountain (58 min. documentary film on Tibetan sacred mountain pilgrimage, rough cut), 2012

Willem, B. 2013. “Desarraigo y nostalgia : El motivo de la vuelta a casa en tres novelas chilenas recientes”, Iberoamericana 51 (3), pp. 139-157.

Willem, B. 2013. “Las palabras servían para ese fin: La literatura y el mal en 2666 de Roberto Bolaño”, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 90 (1), pp. 79-91. doi:10.3828/bhs.2013.6

Willem, B. 2013. “Lugares de memoria en El palacio de la risa de Germán Marín y Nocturno de Chile de Roberto Bolaño”, Taller de Letras 53, pp. 109-125.

Zemanek, E. 2012. “A dirty hero’s fight for clean energy: Satire, allegory, and risk narrative in Ian McEwan’s Solar”, ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment 3 (1): Writing Catastrophes: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on the Semantics of Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters, pp. 51-60.


Pádua, J.A. 2011. “Drawn by blind greed: The historical origins of criticism regarding the destruction of the Amazon river’s natural resources”, in: Tvedt, T., Chapman, G. and Hagen, R. (eds.): A History of Water, Vol. II-3. I.B.Tauris, pp. 176-192. ISBN: 9781848853515

Rigby, K. 2011. “Getting a taste for the Bogong Moth”, Australian Humanities Review 50, pp. 77-94.


Beisel, U. 2010. “Jumping hurdles with mosquitoes?”, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 28 (1), pp. 46-49.

Haug, M. 2010. Poverty and Decentralisation in East Kalimantan: The Impact of Regional Autonomy on Dayak Benuaq Wellbeing. Centaurus. ISBN: 978-3-8255-0770-1

Pádua, J.A. 2010. As bases teóricas da história ambiental, Estudos Avançados 24, pp. 81-101.

Pádua, J.A. 2010. “European colonialism and tropical forest destruction in Brazil”, in: McNeill, J.R., Pádua, J.A. and Rangarajan, M. (eds.): Environmental History – As If Nature Existed. Oxford University Press, pp. 130-148. ISBN: 9780198064480

Zemanek, E. 2010. Das Gesicht im Gedicht. Studien zum poetischen Porträt. Böhlau. ISBN: 978-3-412-20408-2


Greiner, C. and Kokot, W. (eds.) 2009. Networks, Resources and Economic Action. Ethnographic Case Studies in Honor of Hartmut Lang. Reimer. ISBN: 978-3-496-02826-0


Greiner, C. 2008. Zwischen Ziegenkraal und Township: Migrationsprozesse in Nordwestnamibia. Reimer. ISBN: 978-3-496-02817-8

Rodríguez, E.G., Boatcă, M. and Costa, S. (eds.) 2010. Decolonizing European Sociology: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Ashgate. ISBN: 9781138249714


Costa, S. 2007. Vom Nordatlantik zum ‘Black Atlantic’. Postkoloniale Konfigurationen und Paradoxien transnationaler Politik. Transcript. ISBN: 978-3-8394-0702-8


Widlok, T. and Tadesse, W.G. (eds.) 2005. Property and Equality. Vol. 1: Ritualisation, Sharing and Egalitarianism. Berghahn.

Widlok, T. and Tadesse, W.G. (eds.) 2005. Property and Equality. Vol. 2: Encapsulation, Commercialisation and Discrimination. Berghahn.


Müller, G. 2004: Die Boom-Autoren heute: García Márquez, Fuentes, Vargas Llosa, Donoso und ihr Abschied von den „großen identitätsstiftenden Entwürfen. Vervuert.

Pádua, J.A. 2004. Um Sopro de Destruição : Pensamento Político e Crítica Ambiental no Brasil Escravista (1786-1888). Jorge Zahar. ISBN: 978-8571106581

Rigby, K. 2004. Topographies of the Sacred: The Poetics of Place in European Romanticism. University of Virginia Press. ISBN: 9780813922744


Costa, S. 2002. As Cores de Ercília: Esfera Pública, Democracia, Configurações pósnacionais. UFMG. ISBN: 9788570413253


Costa, S., Alonso, A. and Tomioka, S. 2001. A Modernização Negociada: Transporte e Riscos Ambientais no Brasil. CEBRAP/IBAMA. ISBN: 978-8573001037


Pádua, J.A. 2000. Annihilating natural productions: Nature´s economy, colonial crisis and the origins of Brazilian political environmentalism (1786-1810), Environment and History, 6 (3), pp. 255-287.


Pádua, J.A. 1997. “Biosphere, history and conjuncture in the analysis of the Amazon problem”, in: Redclift, M. and Woodgate, G. (eds.): The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Edward Elgar, pp. 403-417. ISBN: 978 1 84844 088 3


Pádua, J.A. 1992. “The birth of green politics in Brazil: Exogenous and endogenous factors”, in: Rudig, W. (ed.): Green Politics II. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 134-155. ISBN: 0748602712


Pionierin der Environmental Humanities | Kate Rigby ist Humboldt-Professorin

Desperate Times: Covid, inequality and resilience in South Africa's food system - by Ruth Hall

Rainbow Rider - Khenpo Sodargye’s dialogue on science of mind - by Dan Smyer Yü

Embrace - by Dan Smyer Yü

Ensouling Mountain - by Dan Smyer Yü

Paradise Lost- by Claudia Leal and Pablo Mejila Trujillo

portrait image of Noah Kahindi

Noah Kahindi

Global South Studies Center (GSSC)
Classen-Kappelmann-Straße 24
50931 Cologne, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)221 47076657
