17 - 18 February 2025

José Augusto Pádua Joins Seminar on “Regionalizing the Anthropocene: An Interdisciplinary Conversation between the Global South and North” at University of Bielefeld

José Augusto Pádua Joins Seminar on “Regionalizing the Anthropocene: An Interdisciplinary Conversation between the Global South and North” at University of Bielefeld

“Sharing a Planet in Peril” (SAPP) member José Augusto Pádua from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro will join a seminar on “Regionalizing the Anthropocene: An Interdisciplinary Conversation between the Global South and North” at Bielefeld University on 17 – 18 February 2025.

The aim of this platform for dialogue is to systematize, from the perspective of Latin American social sciences and humanities, the multifaceted environmental crises that reached and crossed the planetary boundaries of the earth-systems and led to the new geological time of the Anthropocene. One of the convenors of the event at Bielefeld University is Olaf Kaltmeier, with whom José Augusto Pádua co-edited the recently published volume “El Antropoceno como crisis múltiple: Perspectivas desde América Latina. Volumen I. Uso de la tierra” (The Anthropocene as a Multiple Crisis. Perspectives from Latin America. Volume I. Land Use).

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Noah Kahindi

Global South Studies Center (GSSC)
Classen-Kappelmann-Straße 24
50931 Cologne, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)221 47076657

E-mail: noah.kahindi@uni-koeln.de