Organized by GSSC affiliate Ognien Kojanic, this workshop of the Network Anthropology of Fascisms (ANTHROFA) within the EASA Anthropology of Economy Network (AoE) turned Cologne’s Alte Feuerwache, a popular activist-cultural center, into a 2-day laboratory for dissecting the complex relationship between capitalism, fascism and the environment. The contributions ranged from wolf politics in Germany, to ecologism in far-right transnational groups and French far-right localism, to more general considerations about the global context conducive for fascism. Alexandra Coţofană’s (Zayed University, UAE) Keynote, Xenophobic Sentient Landscapes – Fascist Responses to Economic Colonialisms ( threw a spotlight on how the Carpathian Mountains in Romania are conceived of as landscapes that intendedly act in defense of the nation – an intriguing twist on the “ontological turn” that invited spirited debate.