15 May 2024 / 18:30 (CEST)

Katajun Amirpur and Michaela Pelican Join Discussion on “Cancel Culture at the University of Cologne” Against the Backdrop of the Discussion Surrounding the Albertus Magnus Professorship 2024

Katajun Amirpur and Michaela Pelican Join Discussion on “Cancel Culture at the University of Cologne” Against the Backdrop of the Discussion Surrounding the Albertus Magnus Professorship 2024

“Sharing a Planet in Peril” (SAPP) member Katajun Amirpur and Global South Studies Center (GSSC) Speaker Michaela Pelican will be joining an event titled “Flagge zeigen II – Cancel Culture an der Uni Köln?” hosted by the University of Cologne. The German phrase “Flagge zeigen” translates to “showing the flag” or “displaying the flag” in English. It can figuratively mean to take a stand or make a statement, often in a public or symbolic manner.

Event Abstract

Universities are places of open discourse. Different positions, including on political issues, are represented here, and controversial discussions are explicitly welcomed. All expressions covered by our constitution are allowed. In this context, is a university, faculty, or institute allowed to disinvite individuals, cancel events, or exclude content? Who bears responsibility for these decisions? The second event in the series “Flagge zeigen” on May 15, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium, is dedicated to the topic of Cancel Culture, i.e., the actual or perceived exclusion of certain individuals, content, or positions. Is withholding an honor equivalent to “canceling” scientific content? When is academic freedom affected, and when is freedom of speech? Representatives of the university will discuss these and other questions against the backdrop of the discussion surrounding the Albertus Magnus Professorship 2024 at the University of Cologne and other discussions on awards, invitations and disinvitations, and events at other universities in Germany.


  • 18:30: Welcome by Prof. Joybrato Mukherjee, Rector of the University of Cologne
  • 18:35: Panel
    • Prof. Amirpur, Dean’s Representative for Critique of Racism / Islamic Studies / Faculty of Philosophy
    • Prof. Kempen, Former Dean of the Faculty of Law, International Law and Foreign Law (Moderator)
    • Adrian Moser 1st AStA Chairperson
    • Prof. Pelican, Dean’s Representative for International Affairs / Spokesperson GSSC / Ethnology / Faculty of Philosophy
    • Dominique Reich, 2nd AStA Chairperson
    • Dr. Annette Vanagas, Social Psychologist and Gender Researcher at the Faculty of Humanities
  • 19:20: Discussion

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Noah Kahindi

Global South Studies Center (GSSC)
Classen-Kappelmann-Straße 24
50931 Cologne, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)221 47076657

E-mail: noah.kahindi@uni-koeln.de