22 August 2024

José Augusto Pádua Joins Panel at World Congress of Environmental History Chaired by Claudia Leal

José Augusto Pádua Joins Panel at World Congress of Environmental History Chaired by Claudia Leal

In Late August of 2024, “Sharing a Planet in Peril” (SAPP) member José Augusto Pádua presented his research on the historical factors that help to understand the massive deforestation that has occurred in the Amazon forest, in a panel chaired by fellow SAPP member Claudia Leal at the 4th World Congress of Environmental History in Oulu, Finland.

Click here for more informations on the panel session.

During the conference, Leal was also awarded the presidency of the International Consortium of Environmental History Organizations, the organization wich carries out the World Congress of Environmental History.

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Noah Kahindi

Global South Studies Center (GSSC)
Classen-Kappelmann-Straße 24
50931 Cologne, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)221 47076657

E-mail: noah.kahindi@uni-koeln.de