18 August 2023

“Home Away From Home”: Zeit Campus Article on Louis Makafui Mawusi and the M.A. Programme “Culture and Environment in Africa” (CEA) at the UoC’s Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology

In a recent article the German media format Zeit Campus reports on Louis Makafui Mawusi, a student who grew up in Ghana and who is currently enrolled in the “Culture and Environment in Africa” (CEA) M.A. programme at the University of Cologne.

The study programme focuses on pre-historical, historical, and contemporary political ecology of the African continent emphasizing human environment relations at the intersection of global, national, regional and local sub-systems. It is based at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Arts and humanities.

Read the full article here.

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Noah Kahindi

Global South Studies Center (GSSC)
Classen-Kappelmann-Straße 24
50931 Cologne, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)221 47076657

E-mail: noah.kahindi@uni-koeln.de