GSSC Public Lecture: Crisis Conservation -Resource Extraction, Wildlife Crime and the Violent Frontiers of Saving Nature 

Poster for a public lecture by bram buscher

Crisis Conservation: Resource Extraction, Wildlife Crime and the Violent Frontiers of Saving Nature    Bram Buscher  Wageningen University  In this presentation, I will discuss the impacts of the current surge in large-scale resource extraction and wildlife crime, and the conservation responses they elicit. Recent political ecology literature points at three reasons why this surge differs […]

GSSC Public Lecture: Urban Gardening in Southeast Asia – Pre-/Colonial Legacies and Contemporary Ideas of Urbanism   

Urban Gardening in Southeast Asia: Pre-/Colonial Legacies and Contemporary Ideas of Urbanism    Sandra Kurfürst    University of Cologne, Germany   This paper investigates the precolonial and colonial legacies of urban gardens in Southeast Asia, linking these legacies to current trends of urban gardening. In Southeast Asian cities, agricultural subsistence production has long been associated with […]

portrait image of Noah Kahindi

Noah Kahindi

Global South Studies Center (GSSC)
Classen-Kappelmann-Straße 24
50931 Cologne, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)221 47076657
